I have always been a fan of Harley Quinn. I bought the Graphic novel Preludes and Knock Knock Jokes. I have yet to Read it cuz Jason has it... but anyway...

Harley Started out in Batman The Animated Series back in Episode #22. "Joker's Favor" back in September 1992. She was voiced by Arleen Sorkin. In 1994 an origin tale was created for Dr. Harleen Quinzel named "Mad Love". In 1999 The Story made it into the animated series. Here's the show in parts.

Harley had became a legitimate threat.

It didn't take long for Harley to become her own character, and a fan favorite. She even teamed up with poison Ivy quite a few times.

Harley even showed up in an episode of the now canceled "The Batman" cartoon on the WB. The episode's title was "Two of a Kind". It was the only one that I remember where she had a speaking part. She looked like this in that show.

Harley Quinn has appeared in other media in the form of Batman video games.Most of these games are nothing spectacular. However Batman: Arkham Asylum is Quite a fun game. Here is Harley's trailer for said game: I don't particularly like her new Uniform..She looks like a battle Nurse or something.. but the game is good.
Currently, Harley Quinn is in an on going series called "Gotham City Sirens" with Poison Ivy, and Catwoman. It's written by Paul Dini of Batman:TAS fame.

Until Next time GOONS!!

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