Saturday, December 19, 2009

Rescue Rangers

I love Disney animation. Yes, It's true. So here's a blast from the past that you may enjoy.

This blog entry is going to be about Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers!

To Fully understand the concept you have to check out "The Rescuers". This movie follows an adventure of Benard and Miss Bianca Released in 1977.

They were agents, in a mouse ran The Rescue Aid Society. They had received a message from a girl, Penny, who was being held against her will by the greedy Pawn shop owner Madam Madusa. It's a pretty good film and even inspired a sequel which came out in 1990. I actually prefer the sequel.


The Sequel's basic plot is a poacher is trying to capture a giant golden eagle that a Boy, Cody, rescued and befriended earlier. Unfortunately for the poacher he accidentally captured Cody instead. So the Rescue Aid Society Agents Benard and Bianca are on the case. With the help of Jake, a kangaroo rat.

Now They aren't REALLY connected to the Rescue Rangers, except for the fact that the Rescue Rangers Do the same thing as The Rescue Aid Society. The Only real exception is Chip, Dale and the gang are more local. The Rescue Aid Society is World wide.


Chip is the leader of the Rescue Rangers and he is sort of based on Indiana Jones. He wears the fedora and a bomber jacket. He's probably the strait-man of the series. Although he is silly at times, most of the time he's all business. He always fights with Dale and has an affection for Gadget Hackwrench.

Dale is the more laid back Detective in the Hawaiian shirt. He likes to have fun, he reads comics, plays videogames, and once in a while has "Chocolate Attacks". Dale's always fighting with Chip and also has an affection for Gadget Hackwrench, and Foxglove the bat.


Monterrey Jack is the muscle of the group from Australia. He traveled the world with his sidekick Zipper the Fly until a chance meeting with the Rescue Rangers. Fat Cat, one of the series main villains had destroyed his home. Monty has A STRONG addiction to cheese, and it puts him under a spell of sorts until he can eat it. He had a long standing relationship to Gadget's Father and views her as a surrogate Daughter. He likes hanging out with Dale, but he Likes how Chip gets down to business.


Gadget Hackwrench is the pilot, inventor and mechanic for the team. She's basically Macguyver. She can take just about anything and make a weapon or something useful with it. But, Sometimes the invention doesn't work the way it was intended, which can land the team in some trouble. Both Chip and Dale have an attration to her, but she doesn't ever seem to notice and doesn't prefer to be with either one individually.

There were many baddies in this show, but the only Re-occurring ones were Fat Cat and Professor Nimnul.


Fat Cat was basically a Mob boss. complete with henchmen. He's almost always concerned about his image, and his superiority over his men. He would always think of slow and elaborate ways to get rid of the rescue rangers, but of course he got foiled every time.


Professor Norton Nimnul is a mad scientist in the worst of ways. His plans are generally Convoluted or have wildly unnecessary means to an end. And unlike most of the other human baddies on this show he is aware of the rodents from time to time.


Back in 1990 Capcom put a game out on the NES. It featured simultaneous 2 player action. you could control either Chip, or Dale. It was a great platformer with the basic "save the Princess" story line. Only the "princess" was Gadget.

I know there was a sequel to that game in 1993, also by Capcom, but I have yet to find/play it.

Ok guys I think this one is long enough.

TL:DR lol

--Josh "Rugdog" Ruggles

Monday, September 14, 2009


supernatural Pictures, Images and Photos

Supernatural is a drama/horror television series starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester.
Sam Pictures, Images and Photos Dean Pictures, Images and Photos Supernatural Pictures, Images and Photos

They're brothers who hunt down demons, ghosts, and other negative paranormal phenomena. The series debuted on September 13, 2005 on The WB. I've been a fan ever since. I had been itching for something like X-files since it had been missing and this one scratched the itch. It's a roadtrip kind of show. changing locations often.

The show first started off as a "Freak of the week" affair, however it also had a underlying Main story that tied the season together. The first episode starts off in the Winchester home with Kid Dean, Baby Sam, along with their Dad, John (Jeffery Dean Morgan), and their Mom. It's near Bedtime. It turns for the worst really quick. Without spoiling it the Mom dies. John starts training them to be hunters.. Fast forward to present Day and we see Sam with his Girlfriend Jessica who winds up dying the same way. Dean picks him up and says that Dad is missing. Sam wants revenge on whatever killed his girl, And that's how the Adventure starts. Also a Yellow Eyed Demon wishes for Sam to become his successor.

There was also two miniseries put out by Wildstorm/DC. Supernatural Origins
This one Followed the Origins of John Winchester, Sam& Deans Dad, After the events of the first episode's opening.

Supernatural Rising Son in this one, John is out trying to find a better place for his boys Dean and Sam while being hunted by other hunters and even demons coming for one major thing, Sam's death. At this point We know that Sam has been chosen.

There's a pretty crazy mythology in this show. We soon learn that ghosts are afraid of Iron. Demons can be caught in certain symbolic circles, and Salt circles Are very protective. Loading up a shotgun with rock salt is a good idea.We also learn that there's an underground group of people, Known as Hunters. They are usually the ones who save people from all kinds of monsters.

There's also mythical Items like "the Colt" and "the Knife" both of which have the distinct property of being able to kill Demons on contact. There's all kinds of monters on this show. In the first couple of Seasons they refer to "Dad's Journal" and kind of wing it. From Vampires to Zombies, to Windego to Sirens they'll be hunted, and human lives will be saved.

Later spooks!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mr. Needlemouse

Today's the 10th anniversary of the ol' Sega Dreamcast, and as such I thought it'd be appropriate to make a blog post based around Sonic The Hedgehog.
sonic Pictures, Images and Photos

Now Sonic started out in 1991. Artist Naoto ƌshima, designer Hirokazu Yasuhara and programmer Yuji Naka are generally credited with the creation of the character. I remember going to a friend's house shortly after playing the heck out of Super Mario Bros. 3 to check out his Sega Genesis. I was blown away! Blast processing indeed! Sonic was immediately deemed cooler than Mario just due to the speed and attitude.
Sonic and Mario Pictures, Images and Photos
I still Liked Mario, but Sonic was the bomb.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 came to American shores in November 1992. By this time I already had a Genesis.Sonic 2 was the first appearance of Super Sonic. Now, The Chaos Emeralds were important in the first game but they did nothing other than let you see the real ending of the game. However, in Sonic 2 once you had the Chaos Emeralds and 50 of those ever so collectible rings You went SUPER. The transformation sequence and look was an homage to DragonballZ.

This was also when I met up with my Brother in law and we made lots of comics based around an idea of Sonic the Movie... looking back, it's pretty ridiculous but then, so are we, so whatever. A strong Bond was made over those days drawing comics however.

The Obsession Grew once they began airing, not one, But two Sonic the hedgehog Cartoons in 1993. First you had "Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog" This cartoon was full of puns and was a poor attempt at being a funny show. It just starred Sonic and Tails. The show wasn't really that great. You had annoying robots Scratch (A robot chicken) and Grounder (some kinda tank with drill arms) as well as Coconuts (the robot Monkey) trying to get Sonic for Dr.Robotnik.
Happy Scratch and Grounder Pictures, Images and Photos Robotnik - promotion-2 Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh geeze did that show suck.

Then Suddenly Out of Nowhere Sonic's Saturday Morning Cartoon came out.
satam Pictures, Images and Photos satam sonic Pictures, Images and Photos

Known simply as "Sonic The Hedgehog" (SatAM) to the fans), it brought a much more serious tone and Darker environment with it. I was introduced to many New Characters such as Princess Sally, Bunny Rabbot, Antoine, Rotor..and so on.

Then back in 1993, in school, someone left a copy of Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog issue #4 on my desk.
No one claimed it so I took it. And thus my Comic collection began. I still get Sonic comics...They're on issue #203 so far. The comic in of itself is pretty much a continuation of SatAM.

Freedom Fighters Pictures, Images and Photos
in this pic clockwise: Princess Sally, Bunnie Rotor, Sonic, Tails, and Antoine

So in 1999 They decided to redesign Sonic.
From Old school Sonic Pictures, Images and Photos
To coincide with the launch of the Dreamcast. Sonic Adventure was a hit!! And that's pretty much how we got the Sonic of Today. Even with it's wierd Music which you can find here -->

An anime called "Sonic X" was produced. It was voiced by 4Kids. The anime in itself wasn't THAT great. But they did adapt the Sonic Adventure Story. Another anime came out in 1999 (US) called Sonic: The Movie..but it was based on Sonic CD.

IN my opinion though Archie's Sonic comic is the best representation of the character. Oh but wait what's this??? Sega's making an old school sonic game again?

But don't get your hopes up folks... they said the same for Sonic Unleashed...

Well until Next time, Stay way past cool!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Don't ya wanna Rev your Harley?

I've been watching Batman Cartoons most of the day today.

I have always been a fan of Harley Quinn. I bought the Graphic novel Preludes and Knock Knock Jokes. I have yet to Read it cuz Jason has it... but anyway...

Harley Started out in Batman The Animated Series back in Episode #22. "Joker's Favor" back in September 1992. She was voiced by Arleen Sorkin. In 1994 an origin tale was created for Dr. Harleen Quinzel named "Mad Love". In 1999 The Story made it into the animated series. Here's the show in parts.

joker harley quinn Pictures, Images and Photos

Harley had became a legitimate threat.
Jim Lee: Batman & Catwoman 3 'Harley Quinn' Pictures, Images and Photos

It didn't take long for Harley to become her own character, and a fan favorite. She even teamed up with poison Ivy quite a few times.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Harley even showed up in an episode of the now canceled "The Batman" cartoon on the WB. The episode's title was "Two of a Kind". It was the only one that I remember where she had a speaking part. She looked like this in that show.

Photobucket Photobucket

Harley Quinn has appeared in other media in the form of Batman video games.Most of these games are nothing spectacular. However Batman: Arkham Asylum is Quite a fun game. Here is Harley's trailer for said game: I don't particularly like her new Uniform..She looks like a battle Nurse or something.. but the game is good.

Currently, Harley Quinn is in an on going series called "Gotham City Sirens" with Poison Ivy, and Catwoman. It's written by Paul Dini of Batman:TAS fame.

Gotham City Sirens #1 Pictures, Images and Photos

Until Next time GOONS!!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chicago Comic Con 09

Well Chicago Comic con was a blast! We Drove for 5 hours, but it didn't feel like it. Jason accidentally pulled a gas hose out of the pump, which was pretty funny. The trip went Super quick!

The weird thing was Marvel, DC, Dark Horse and Image weren't even there.

I didn't get to go to any panels because the crew and I were trying to Sell as many "Scarlet Veronica" books, t-shirts, Posters, and buttons as we could. We did an Interview for uFragTV.. if you're interested you can check it out at around the 18 minute mark... We sold a lot. maybe it was the free candy...And Sarah, Jessica, and Meg were actually doing most of the selling.

I was also looking at all the cool artists and stuff to buy. Artist Alley was the place to be!!! It was PACKED! Alvin Lee, Chamba, lots and lots of guys! I was talking to some of the artists and they all pretty much said that this was their busiest year ever. So I guess it was a blessing that those publishers weren't there this year.

We met a lot of cool people. Went out with our Publishers (Ape Entertainment) for some REAL Chicago style stuffed pizza. Best pizza on the planet. Talked shop. ya know the usual. We were going to go to Mexican the night before at some place called Maria's... but GPS and Google got us lost. We did Eventually Find this place, but we were really late.

We even had fun outside of the convention center. It happens when you pack six goofballs together I guess. heh. There was a point or two where we got lost. Also Justin's GPS was trying to kill us.

The Drive Home kinda Sucked. It took us over an hour and a half JUST to get out of Chicago itself...and we left Early. We left at about 1:30pm ish... I didn't get home 'till 10:30pm... The Traffic was horrible. I mean there was a one hour time zone jump...but it took forever.

But, other than that we had a great time!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Contact info and Commish stuff.

add me if you want!





Sonic-Online --->

Xbox Live tag---> Rugdog 2k

Manga Bullet-->

Sheezyart --->

Fur affinity --->

Capcom Unity ---->


IF you'd Like a Commission from me, let me know. throw me a note.

Prices are as follows:

$5 for a head shot Black and white. 1 character
$7 For a head shot in Color 1 Character
$10 For a full black and white 1 Character
$15 for a flat color full body 1 character
$25 Full render full body 1 character

$3 for each additional character., but please not more than 4 or so.

I take cash and Check/money Order, or you can Donate on the bottom of this blog here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Remembering Eek the Cat

This Cartoon began in 1992 and ran for 5 seasons! Created by Bill Copp and Savage Steve Holland. I remember watching this show nearly Every day. Eventually it changed it's title to "EekStarvagansa" To include The Terrible Thunder Lizards and also Clutter.

The Show was animated for Fox Kids, by Nelvana. I remember The incredible Elmo and his Always sick little brother Timmy. Elmo would always trick Eek into doing whatever death defying stunt he was supposed to do, right after Eek would explain how it all could go horribly wrong. There was a lot of CANADIAN humor in this show.

Also, Gotta Love Sharky The Sharkdog.

The Terrible Thunder Lizards were great. Doc was like Schwarzenegger, Cutter was like Bill Paxton and Rex was just stupid. The Whole idea of that part of the show was to kill the Humans before their sheer stupidity made the dinosaurs extinct.

I also Remember quite the controversy over the two cavemen Scooter and Bill.

Fatboy Slim: Scooter n Bill by *thweatted on deviantART
The Controversy was that They were the first Humans. I remember that a lot of Christian groups got upset that there were no female Humans. But After you got to know Bill and Scooter They eventually introduced some girls, so the controversy was resolved.

Now the Weak point. In my opinion was Klutter. Klutter was a mess made by the Heap bros. It came to life some how, and acting like a dog most of the time. It wasn't that great. The Klutter segment was introduced in Season 4. That's all I care to remember it so... I guess that's all for this entry.

Peace kids!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Sorry for the crazy Load times people!

I'll lay off the youtube stuff for a while.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tiny Toon Music TV

I got Season 1 vol.2 of "Tiny Toon Adventures" on dvd a few weeks ago. They have an episode called "Tiny Toon Music TV" and it's rather entertaining. It's too short though. It's only 4 songs. Two of them by They Might be Giants, one is a clasical number, and then Aretha Franklin's "RESPECT".

I know they have more music vids staring the tiny toon crew.. So I'm just going to post them all up here for your enjoyment. UNfortunatly PArtical man is un available.

ANd these were not in that episode.. but they came later.

Rawks out.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nintendo Nostalgia

While Helping Jason with his Blog "Nostalgia Snax" and reminiscing like us old fart do... I came across a lot of old Nintendo nostalgia on the ol' Youtube. I recently started buying some old NES games and SNES games... The bad thing is I cannot find my SNES or NES... So, I ordered a duo sytem on the web.. Should have it in about a week or two.

These are back when McDonald's had Super Mario 3 toys in their Happy meal.

These were for cereals that i ate back in the 80's

The MARIO Trilogy

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out

Kirby's Adventure

Anybody remember this??

Ok that's enough. please excuse me while I chuckle like a little girl.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


except... Big Schpiders.

oh and.. heights....clowns to a degree... Guys in mascot character suits...

and I guess Needles.... and well ... Angry Girls, but am scared of an angry husband/dad more, especially if he has shotgun.

sorry I'm weird. lol.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Why am I awake...?

Friggin' insomnia. Friggin' second shift Job.

Today was "the suck" at work. Some of the people I work with just suck. All I ask is a mediocre to Average day of work. Is that too much to ask? I'm not asking anyone to be overly exceptional or superb. Just please do something of significance toward your Job and Stop dumping it all on us. Here is a list of simple things that you morning people can do to make me hate my job less.

1. Pull out-dates and nasty lookin' stuff out to be thrown away.

2. Stock the case. If we are out of something, replace it.

3. Keep up the chicken. Do not put new sauce on old stuff and claim it to be "new". It's still old and nasty, so quit doing that.

4. Take your breaks when you are supposed to. That means 1.5- 2 hours into your shift, take your first break. 4-5 hours into your shift, take your lunch. Then 1.5-2 hours After your lunch take your last break.

5. Stop disappearing, for extended periods of time. Also Lay off the cell phones.

6. If you see a customer, and you're not doing anything, Help the customer.

That's it. That's my list. If you guys would just follow that, the tensions between the shifts would lighten up, I think. Life would be easier and everyone would get along.

well I know none of them are going to see this.. but I wanted to get it off of my chest so there.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Oh, sister Sarah.

So Sarah --> has me on here. She is my sister. What kind of stuff can I say about her that won't get me slapped? hmmmm....

1. She's a mom. This fact only annoys me because She is younger than I, and CERTAIN people (read: my mother.. HI mom!) wonder why I'm not married and/or why I don't have kids yet.

2. She's kind of a goofball. This is not a bad thing. She approaches everything in an interesting way and it's funny.

3. She loves her kids a lot. It's kinda fun watching them do stuff. She also puts up with her husband. ha ha. (I do not have a problem with her husband, I just like to mess with them from time to time.)

4. She's kind of a nerd. She likes her Nintendos ands her movies.

5.We get along pretty well. Even when one of us is being a bit jerkish.

6. She kicks like a horse. serious. don't fight her. If that doesn't work she tends to go for the nutshot. (man's one great weakness) lol.

7. She is mellow. Well, most of the time. Very laid back.

ok that's enough about her. Mostly wrote it cuz she's like my only follower lol.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Yay another blog

so ok.. now I am part of this thing....

I also have a blog at
and Facebook, and Twitter, and Deviantart..... I'm Rugdog at all of those ones.

So I am new an all. Plz Welcome me. I will eventually figger out all the nooks and crannies of this page. A lot of people I know actually have one...I guess I'm just slow to adopt.

Peace kids