Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mr. Needlemouse

Today's the 10th anniversary of the ol' Sega Dreamcast, and as such I thought it'd be appropriate to make a blog post based around Sonic The Hedgehog.
sonic Pictures, Images and Photos

Now Sonic started out in 1991. Artist Naoto ƌshima, designer Hirokazu Yasuhara and programmer Yuji Naka are generally credited with the creation of the character. I remember going to a friend's house shortly after playing the heck out of Super Mario Bros. 3 to check out his Sega Genesis. I was blown away! Blast processing indeed! Sonic was immediately deemed cooler than Mario just due to the speed and attitude.
Sonic and Mario Pictures, Images and Photos
I still Liked Mario, but Sonic was the bomb.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 came to American shores in November 1992. By this time I already had a Genesis.Sonic 2 was the first appearance of Super Sonic. Now, The Chaos Emeralds were important in the first game but they did nothing other than let you see the real ending of the game. However, in Sonic 2 once you had the Chaos Emeralds and 50 of those ever so collectible rings You went SUPER. The transformation sequence and look was an homage to DragonballZ.

This was also when I met up with my Brother in law and we made lots of comics based around an idea of Sonic the Movie... looking back, it's pretty ridiculous but then, so are we, so whatever. A strong Bond was made over those days drawing comics however.

The Obsession Grew once they began airing, not one, But two Sonic the hedgehog Cartoons in 1993. First you had "Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog" This cartoon was full of puns and was a poor attempt at being a funny show. It just starred Sonic and Tails. The show wasn't really that great. You had annoying robots Scratch (A robot chicken) and Grounder (some kinda tank with drill arms) as well as Coconuts (the robot Monkey) trying to get Sonic for Dr.Robotnik.
Happy Scratch and Grounder Pictures, Images and Photos Robotnik - promotion-2 Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh geeze did that show suck.

Then Suddenly Out of Nowhere Sonic's Saturday Morning Cartoon came out.
satam Pictures, Images and Photos satam sonic Pictures, Images and Photos

Known simply as "Sonic The Hedgehog" (SatAM) to the fans), it brought a much more serious tone and Darker environment with it. I was introduced to many New Characters such as Princess Sally, Bunny Rabbot, Antoine, Rotor..and so on.

Then back in 1993, in school, someone left a copy of Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog issue #4 on my desk.
No one claimed it so I took it. And thus my Comic collection began. I still get Sonic comics...They're on issue #203 so far. The comic in of itself is pretty much a continuation of SatAM.

Freedom Fighters Pictures, Images and Photos
in this pic clockwise: Princess Sally, Bunnie Rotor, Sonic, Tails, and Antoine

So in 1999 They decided to redesign Sonic.
From Old school Sonic Pictures, Images and Photos
To coincide with the launch of the Dreamcast. Sonic Adventure was a hit!! And that's pretty much how we got the Sonic of Today. Even with it's wierd Music which you can find here -->

An anime called "Sonic X" was produced. It was voiced by 4Kids. The anime in itself wasn't THAT great. But they did adapt the Sonic Adventure Story. Another anime came out in 1999 (US) called Sonic: The Movie..but it was based on Sonic CD.

IN my opinion though Archie's Sonic comic is the best representation of the character. Oh but wait what's this??? Sega's making an old school sonic game again?

But don't get your hopes up folks... they said the same for Sonic Unleashed...

Well until Next time, Stay way past cool!

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