The variant cover by David Finch, Richard Friend,& Peter Steigerwald
Writer: Geoff Johns
Pencils: Jim Lee
Inks: Scott Williams
Cost: $3.99
We Start off with Batman being chased by Gotham's Swat team, and Batman is chasing a monster, all on rooftop. He finally catches up to the beast and then out of nowhere glowing Green Firetruck hits the Monster. Enter Green Lantern with the line, "Batman? You're REAL?"
Batman and Green Lantern hit it off just fine. They already hate each other. Green Lantern is a brash and cocky type of person and Batman is cold, and calculating. There's a running gag in this issue that Batman has no powers, and he's just some guy in a Bat suit.
The Monster they were both chasing is found in the sewer. It's trying to attach a box ( a Mother Box, which I hope will get explained later) to a wall. It then spots GL and Bats. It Kamikazes and tries to take them with it. It's Death Cry is "For Darksied!" Batman then says the Box-like device looks alien. Green Lantern then responds with "Maybe this is all connected to the guy from Metropolis". Neither character has met Superman yet.
Cut to a scene with Victor Stone playing some High School Football, and doing exceptionally well. His Father, Apparently Works with Meta-Humans, and is never around to be part of Vic's Life. GL and Bats fly right over the school. When they land Green Lantern thinks he's mr. bigstuff, and can handle this Superman. Superman Punches him out and says "I don't handle Easy." Then he looks at Batman and says "So.. What can you do?"
Jim Lee's art is exceptional as always. I do have to kind of wonder why it is that Superman's suit is armored... But I honestly don't care. I don't really think it's his best work. But it's still pretty good!
As a new reader I guess it's pretty accessible. You meet 3 of the big guns. Batman, Green Lantern, and Superman. There's an intrigue about who or what a Darksied is... oh and there's Plenty of Action going on over well drawn panels.
As a Fan of previous incarnations of the Justice League, it seems a little Old hat. It's still ok.. but a lot of the mysteries you already know about. Hopefully they pick it up with the next issue, but they'll probably introduce more of the characters.
Overall I have to say, I kind of like this treatment of these characters. They seem more like People with Powers, than people who let the powers define who they are. I guess that comes down to the writing, but I like it.
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